Share, Tag or Dye SHOW closing with a bang at NAG 2022
September 30, 2022 by Sabina Suru Ehibitions, Installation, Photography Comments Off on Share, Tag or Dye SHOW closing with a bang at NAG 2022
September 30 – October 2, 2022
White Night of Galleries
VAGon – in(ter)disciplined space, Malmaison Studios, Bucharest [RO]
Welcome (back) to our analogue(d) social network!
We have decided to extend the Share, Tag or Dye SHOW for another week so we can all proudly march into the Night, the White Night of Galleries that is. Thank you NAG for making it happen again this year!
Between September 30th – October 2nd, the collective installation displayed at VAGon – in(ter)disciplined space will be on view for all to stroll, instead of scroll.
Share, Tag or Dye questions the dissemination of art from multiple perspectives: from digital media to participatory, collaborative and exhibition-oriented approaches, and discusses social media as a medium of consumption for artistic objects – to what extent can the contemporary small screen, which we all own, render the complexity of a work of art?
We set out to democratise the idea of open call through the absence of the usual selection process and thus, 204 artists from all over the world got together, from Chile to Sweden, India and New Zealand, in a collective installation that (re)materialised all contributions, using a photographic technique with almost 200 years of history, the blue in blue in blue cyanotype.
Join us at VAGon / Malmaison Studios, enjoy your stroll and, remember:
Share, Tag or Dye!
More about the project here.
Share, Tag or Dye is organized by the Allkimik Photographic Association, in collaboration with VAGon – in(ter)disciplined, and in loving partnership with Malmaison Studios and Alternative Photography. The project is financed by the Ministry of Culture through the Acces Program.
Allkimik Photographic Association is an art collective derived from a decade old entrepreneur initiative with focus on analogue, alternative and experimental photography. Now an NGO, Allkimik helps develops this sector through collaborative and/or research projects, workshops and residencies, exhibitions and publications.
VAGon – in(ter)disciplined space, is a hybrid artist-run space, within the framework of Marginal and located within the Malmaison Studios. VAGon opens a cultural space for emerging and aspiring artists, encourages transdisciplinary collaborations, motivates experiment and searches for plausible alternatives within the art world.
Alternative Photography is a worldwide community led by their passion for historical / alternative and experimental photography. This widespread collective also functions as a peer-based archive and active project-engines in order to develop contemporary photography and its heritage.
Project team:
Andrei Tudose: PM & artistic co-director
Sabina Suru – artistic co-director
Stefan Dinu – technical coordinator
Alex Spineanu – workshop coordinator
204 contributors from around the world:
Argentina @claraz___ / Australia @elchemysterii / Barbados @gabriellechantel / Belgium @iosifsainiuc / Brazil @ba.serafim @cabecavazia @daurismo @gui.borsatto @gustavodecarvalhoo @hana.brenerm @jotalino @madchen.vivi @medellin.silva @patriciabigarelli @pmilagres @pramouri @ro_gayu @rod.liveira @Ronny Laeber @vdverena @daniele_c_santos @dannaduraez @m.varaschin @nathalia.dov @oialineromero @tiagocruz_artenoseujeito / Bulgaria @pocoapocopiumosso / Chile @mpaa.jpg / France @Isabalog @matt.starynkevitch / Georgia (Sakartvelo) @artfromnino @tattsaa / Germany @Nadjadances1 @vioprico / Greece @ george_koulouridis @iamsakisk / India @surajit_mudi / Italy @raffaella_riggi_art @rscastelli / Malaysia @suekinotsukie / Mexico @moni_amendola / Moldova @SergeBulat / Netherlands @lifeonmarzj / New Zealand @darnia.hobson / Norway @alexconuvisuals / Poland @jan_stachowiak @paul.piotrowicz / Romania @always.shooting @anastasia_efimenco @andrei__tudose @Beniamin Popescu @bogdanpelmus @Diana.btg @_dianadraghici @Dofdotcom @floreamariuscristian92 @geenaungureanu @magdalenapelmus @_m_u_s_a_t_ @_un_bucurestean_pe_film_ @13m10j @35mm.diary.of.ioana @a.n.d.rei.prj @abelrad @albastrudenim @albert.kaan @alex.grigorescu_photography @alexandra.jpgs @alexandru.maciuca11 @alexandruclaudiumaxim @Alexdincovici @alfredschupler @alinavuxanovici @Ambrotipescu @analogmyhome @anda.ghe @anka_coller @anne_de_beauvoir @Anqe2n_spectrum @aurelia_chiru @bogdantutuneanu @bungalowa @cata.cosma @cristinabadulescu @CristinaRopotanArtist @cristinart_chirila @crisvoinea @croitoru.designer @dandumanoiu @danielloagar @dayday.everyday @Ddoinitaa @diana.0ana @doardana @dragosradudumitrescu @e.z.alina @elevuldima @espies9 @flameswithart @floriama_candea @florinvoicuart @gaby_tudor_art @ghebosu_florin @i_oa_na @ileana.sebe @ioannis_stamatogiannis_new @istvan.hnd @iuanaioana @lacra.grozavescu @larisa_birta @leafy.suburbs @libra_or_virgo @logigan.florentin @loredana_dobrea @luminita.soare @maciuca.andreea.georgiana @maraogl @maria_m.i.g @marlene_poeme @matalianarin @maxijshshwj @mericeramix @skinnybunnyyy @micandreeabungalowa @micsandra_vraci_art @Milo35mm @mircea.dumitrescu @mishadiaconu @naianavatavu @oanaadrianavasile @octavianbalea @panAM_art @pinkasarp @pintiliecristian @punkyha @pupile_gustative @raressmanolache @razvann.sandu @roxannepoetry @rrazvan_n @s_cosmina_ @sabina.suru @sandu.adrian.77 @seria.analog @simsalegris @sixtoesss @spleen_und_schokolade @st.lucille @Stefan.dinu.allkimik @tanase.lacramioara @Teodora.grindei @teodorgeorgescu @textilia @the_pressberry @the_squared_format @tomahurduc @travelphotodb @tudor_c_popa @venereumphotography @virgilmlesnita @vlad.mihutoiu @vlad_pasca @vz.imaginarium @whatisafullstop @why_do_elements_decay @yourmomsfavoritegemineye @photofobiia @Raptisart @somnului @stefaneagu @xden.x / Slovenia @lavoslava / South Africa @icreateimageseveryday / Spain @alfredo_foto @antonioeojeda / Sweden @insane_smiley @ivan_wahren / Turkey @dilara._.pak @ilhan_sadikoglu / United Kingdom @_meadowman2 @AndreeaAndreiPhotography @clairelouise178 @elena.andreea.teleaga @emiliepb_photography @hlgiles & @ylvavi @ioanapioaru @lukphotography_ @lumilyon @lydoashearsmith_ @m_a_g_g_i_e_jm @megan.ringrose @Paularaegibson_ @the_real_p_fiddy @therobincracknell / Ukraine @fantom_ua / USA @shanemeck @the.artist.neighborhood