The Somatist, the Entropist & the Skeptic @Rezidența9

November 19, 2022 by Sabina Suru Ehibitions, Installation, Participatory, Research, Video Comments Off on The Somatist, the Entropist & the Skeptic @Rezidența9

November 19-December 20, 2020
Group show / participatory installations
in the framework of Qolony – the Art & Science Colony
In partnership with National Institute of Materials Physics
Rezidența9, Bucharest RO


Aaaaand it’s a wrap! I’ve been working on The Entropist throughout this year, and it’s been quite a challenge, for more reasons than one. But now, seeing everything in function and surrounded by artists & collaborators I love, at one of my favourite cultural venues in Bucharest, makes everything worthwhile!

In case it sounds just a little bit off, it’s only because this project has been a big jump in my practice, as far as process goes – in involved training an AI algorithm with various analogue images archive. It was quite awesome to go through, but it tested many of the habits I have while working in the studio and, of course, it pushed my work into the digital far more than I was emotionally ready, right? 🙂

The Somatist, the Entropist & the Skeptic is a project I’ve been concocting with my dear friend Floriama Candea for quite some time now, so even with this complicated process (or, rather, because aka thanks to it), I’m really happy with everything I’ve learned while working on it and how the installation turned out.

Thank you so much Andrei Tudose (artistic co-director of The Entropist), Cătălin Crețu (sound composition & sound generating algorithm) and Cristi Balaș (awesome programming), love you guys!


The Somatist, The Entropist & The Skeptic brings into discussion the habits of using some common technologies and emphasizes the way in which we consent and actively participate in the production of future directions of development of the culture and routine of our daily lives. The concepts behind the project are centered on researching the dynamics between control and the lack of it, on questioning the capacity we have to act on the world, on technology, on nature, on species and the biases that derive from them.

Floriama Candea, Sabina Suru and Cătălin Crețu, the three artists who are behind the project, together with Cristian Balaș (programmer), propose an exploration of the way people react to new technologies not only physically, but also psychologically and relationally, through interactive installations. During the exhibition, the public will be able to interact with current physiological data capture or machine learning technologies for real-time animation of kinetic works, algorithmic sounds or generative video works.

Excerpt from text by Floriama Candea


More info on The Somatist, The Entropist & The Skeptic here.

The Somatist, The Entropist & The Skeptic @Rezidenta9, 2022
The Somatist, The Entropist & The Skeptic @Rezidenta9, 2022
The Somatist, The Entropist & The Skeptic @Rezidenta9, 2022
The Somatist, The Entropist & The Skeptic @Rezidenta9, 2022
The Somatist, The Entropist & The Skeptic @Rezidenta9, 2022
The Somatist, The Entropist & The Skeptic @Rezidenta9, 2022

photo: Tudor C. Popa


Qolony – the Art & Science Colony is a cultural association that functions as an aggregator of a mixed community of professionals from different disciplines, from contemporary artists, scientific researchers, specialists in various technologies, united by the passion for interdisciplinary practices.

Rezidenta9 is a center for contemporary culture created by BRD – Groupe Société Générale. Together with Fundația9, the team behind R9 is currently working on developing various programs within this space, where relevant thinkers and creators meet the audience, using arts, culture and dialogue, to better understand the world we live in.

The National Institute for Material Physics functions as a center of excellence for fundamental and applied research in the field of material physics.  The Institute follows four major research directions: Materials for the high-tech industry, Materials for energy storage and production, Materials and devices for the medical and pharmaceutical industries, life sciences, agriculture and biotechnology, and Materials for applications in special or extreme environments.


Floriama Candea
Sabina Suru
Andrei Tudose
Catalin Cretu
Cristian Balas
Dr. Victor Diculescu

Thank you’s:
VAGon – in(ter)disciplined space
Suzana Dan
Irina Marinescu