Intersecting Realities @Timisoara 2023
June 15, 2023 by Sabina Suru Artificial Intelligence, Ehibitions, Participatory, Video Comments Off on Intersecting Realities @Timisoara 2023
June 15-July 2, 2023
Group show
Post-digital participatory installation
A Marginal project, in co-production with Simultan
Part of Post-Digital Intersections
in the framework of Timisoara 2023 – European Capiral of Culture
Palatul Ștefania
The Entropist is on the road again, collecting hands from unsuspecting people and rebuilding their visual world!
This time, we’ll be travelling to Timișoara to be a part of the European Capital of Culture program, in the framework of the Post-Digital Intersections project, funky brother of the Open Practice Society program, powered by Marginal, where I am also a mentor throughout this year, alongside amazing Annick Bureaud, Dasha Ilina, Jan Swierkowski, Claudia Schnugg and duo Anderwald & Grund.
I will be sharing the exhibition space with some of my favourite artists, and I am so very excited and humbled at the same time (and that is quite a weird combo, believe me), with wonderful Claudia Schnugg and Andrei Tudose as co-curators, working together for the first time (and they are just fantastic!)
Entering into an era where technology becomes ubiquitous as hardware becomes smaller and more adjusted to easy use and wear on the human body, and digital networks are enmeshed in the everyday workings of human life – invisible to the human eye, unfelt in physical spaces –, post-digital artists move beyond the focus on technology as a medium to explore, but are able to draw from a broad spectrum of media – new and old – to give meaning to their artistic vision. Thereby, the fascination of the digital dissolves into a symbiotic part of the narrative presented to the audience, just as society starts to find new ways of making sense in the meshwork of society, (digital) technology, and natural environment. (…)
At the same time, in the wake of global and societal challenges, increasingly more artists turn to explore issues where they aim to raise awareness, actively take a role as social change catalyst, open spaces for resonance and critical discussions in the complex systems of fast changing environments, scientific discoveries, and technological development. (…) As such, the opening exhibition is an open invitation for a seemingly random walk through the hot topics of today, from macro issues related to the environment turmoil to digital intimacy and representations of the body connected by the essence of post-digital art production. Navigating freely between mediums and approaches, the selection of artworks builds a red thread that transcends abstract or cryptic concepts, building an experience that the audience can connect and relate to. It is the starting point of a discussion on how we relate, as a society, to the present and where can we, actively and collectively, go from here. It is an origin of inspiration for a young generation of artists, upon which we call through this program, to join and engage everyone with their view of the world – to start building their Youthopia, through art, science and technology.
Excerpt from curatorial text by dr. Claudia Schnugg & Andrei Tudose
Exhibition view of The Entropist during Intersecting Realities at Palatul Ștefania, Timișoara
photo credit: Marginal
Snaps from the opening of Intersecting Realities and guided tour by co-curator Andrei Tudose
photo credit: Tudor C.Popa
Post-Digital Intersections is a mentorshp project, which showcases and develops working methodologies for transdisciplinary projects, by bringing together art students, young researchers from the humanities with international artists and curators, in a collegial and collaborative framework.
Marginal is a cultural non-profit organization from Bucharest, Romania, functioning as a transdisciplinary collective aiming to support, promote and extend bridges between artists and various agents from adjacent fields, with a focus on the humanities and the implications of sciences and technologies in socio-cultural structures.
Simultan is an annual festival dedicated to interdisciplinary arts – emerging media projects, experimental music and audio-visual and sound projects, to support new forms of artistic expression. The program includes live audio-visual performances, video art screenings, exhibitions, conferences and workshops.
Artists & contributors:
Marco Barotti
Kasia Molga
Antoni Rayzhekov
Theresa Schubert
Anderwald & Grond
Ars Electronica Animation Festival on Tour (AU)
Claudia Schnugg
Andrei Tudose
Thank you’s:
Alin Rotariu
Tudor C.Popa
Ingrid Ene